0203 861 3460 [email protected]


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Contact Us

If you would like to have a chat with us about DSA or DSA Needs Assessment, or had any questions or queries about making a booking, you can reach us by:

Calling: 0203 861 3460
Emailing: [email protected]
Texting: ‘2A2L’ and your message (including your email address) to 88802 * texts charged at standard rate

If you would like to make a booking, you can do so by completing a booking form

Alternatively, you can fill in the form below with your query and a member of the Access2Learn team will get back to you

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Complaints Policy

If you are not happy with any part of the service that you have received from Access2Learn, please get in touch so that we can address your concerns. Details of our complaints policy can be found here

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